We are provider of services in the area of hygiene and technical maintenance and management of facilities. We are fully aware of our responsible role in the protection of environment and natural resources and we pledge to manage the conditions in which our working processes take place in responsible and professional manner, thus minimizing our influence on the environment as much as possible.

Our top business priority to influence the environment we work in as least as possible. The im-plementation of this objective translates into other benefits: protection of our employees, the overall public and the environment in which we work.

This was all made possible by implementing the quality management and environmental protection standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Regulatory Commission license for housing

Quality politics

ISO certificate

The key principles oriented towards these policies are:
  • The satisfaction of the clients and partners from the services we provide;
  • Adaptation to the market in order to increase the participation and improve the quali-ty of the service offered;
  • Positive and professional attitude towards the environment, provided by responsible attitude of our staff;
  • Identify and remedy of issues that could cause dissatisfaction at the clients and partners, environment and on the social responsibility;
  • Satisfaction of our staff that implement these policies;
  • Continuous improvement of the quality management and environmental protection system thus ensuring even greater satisfaction of our clients and partners;
  • Continuous trainings and improvement of our staff which ensures professional and quality implementation of our duties towards the clients, partners and environment;
  • Care for our social responsibility, including protection of the environment.